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Enforce minimum plan

Our integration uses features that require "The Works" plan, or possibly a partial featureset with the "Entree" plan I want to make sure that customers have the appropriate plan when enabling the integration.

Is this our responsibility to enforce this?

How do I enforce it? I assume I check plan_id in the /v2/companies endpoint. What are the possible values for this field?


Hi Theron,

Great question. If you use an OAuth client we enforce the plan type during the company grant creation process. If you are using access tokens you should use the /v2/companies endpoint and check the plan_id value. In the near future this will be enforced on our side where the endpoints will return a 401 Unauthorized.

The plan types will include the following type names:

  • comp
  • entree
  • works
  • gourmet

One other grandfathered plan is appetize which should be treated as entree.


I'm seeing one customer with a plan chefs-choice-v2-annual-usd, what plan is that?


Good catch! that is a new plan that has yet to be fully rolled out but it should be treated the same as works.

Marked as answered by Ricardo del Cid
