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Get shifts between 2 dates

Hi, I'm trying to get shifts between 2 dates, but im getting a 500 error: e.g /v1/shifts?start[gte]=2022-04-01&end[lte]=2022-04-02 I tried the following instead: /v1/shifts?start[gte]=2022-04-01&start[lte]=2022-04-02 This comes back with data, but the less than or equals is working like less than - ie its returning shifts that start only on April 1, even though i requested shifts that are less than or equal to april 2

Oauth Callback URL

Hi, In the oauth authentication guide (https://developers.7shifts.com/docs/oauth-authentication), the documentation specifies that the callback url will be in the following format: https://your-callback-url/{CLIENT_ID}#guid={GUID}&company_id={COMPANY_ID} Does this imply the client id is appended to the url path after your callback url, or this is just an example callback url? Thanks

Integration Parameters

Hello there, I have a question from your Create Receipts documentation(https://developers.7shifts.com/reference/create-receipt) it lists the only parameters that are able to be passed are total, open_date, location_id, external_id. Are these the only types that can be passed over from an external system? For example we have ordernumber, orderid, orderitems, among others, and we have a client that reached out asking if an integration with 7shifts is possible. Thanks,

Invalid Time zone

{"user_id":4234955,"role_id":1092174,"department_id":326030,"location_id":225051,"clocked_in":"2022-1-19 10:13:11","clocked_out":"2022-1-19 10:13:11"} I have sent UTC as well as local time response is always the same. {"status":"error","message":"Location timezone is invalid","type":"unknown"} try this on you postman.

Location timezone is invalid

this is the message returned 'Location timezone is invalid' on clock in. the location is set to america/toronto.

api endpoint sample CURL

Hi could you please provide a Curl example of authentication to any endpoint using 7shift thanks

Employee previous wages

Hello, For the endpoint `GET https://api.7shifts.com/v1/user/[userid]/wages`, we can pull the current and upcoming wages, but this endpoint doesn't appear to pull prior wages. How can we pull wages for a date before the current date? Thanks

SHift sync behavior

Hello, I have a two questions related to fetching shifts. 1. Is it possible to fetch shifts based on the modified field? this would prevent re-polling an entire period when it is likely that few or no records have changed. 2. For deleted records (ie: https://api.7shifts.com/v1/shifts?deleted=1), all results show up with deleted=false and soft_deleted=null. Should those columns just be disregarded, or is this a bug? Thank you

Creating a PuncTime Data

I am creating a Punchtime data but getting the response 'Location timezone is invalid' However, the request data json from the API documentation does not have any field for location time zone. Is this a setup issue? Please help me resolve this issue. Thanks


We are using the API to pull the time_punches call for a pay period. We then calculate the total time from the start and end time, subtract any unpaid breaks and have a total time. This allows us to import the time into the payroll system. But, when compared to the worked hours and wages report, there is an OT column. How do I get OT from the time_punches?